The Story of Redemption – the Sound Recordings

“The Story of the Redemption for Children” by Rev. F. Abair and Sr. M. Joanne.
Click here to download the PDF of the song book from Musica Sacra.

Sound recordings are done by Erin McFarland.  Consider them rough drafts. When I have access to better quality sound recording equipment, I will update these recordings. Thank you for understanding. I hope you enjoy this resource!


Page 1: To Our Lady of the Apostolate


Page 2: Paradise


Page 3: Sin


Page 4: Driven from Paradise


Page 5: The Annunciation


Page 6: The Trip to Bethlehem

Page 7: The Birth of Our Lord

Page 8: The Shepherds

Page 9: The Wise Men

Page 10: The Lost Sheep

Page 11: The Pharisee and the Publican


Page 12: The Passion


Page 13: The Crucifixion


Page 14: The Resurrection


Page 15: The Coming of the Spirit


Page 16: The Assumption of Mary

Page 17: Christ the King



  1. Some of the recordings are missing? Does this mean they are coming soon? Would love the assumption of Mary for upcoming Feast Day.

    1. You’re welcome, Donna! I was very excited when I discovered these last year. I’m SO happy to help you learn them! Thanks for stopping by!

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