Here is our schedule with a 3 year old and a 10 month old:
7:00 Mommy rises, morning routine, Scripture reading
7:30 3-year old rises, his morning routine
8:00 Breakfast with entire family (Daddy reads the Saint of the Day)
Chores: Mommy: put away dishes, start a load of laundry. 3-year old: Take own dishes to sink, wipe chair
9:00 Morning Family Prayer
10:00 Snack & Outdoor recess/Nap for 10-month old
Mommy: 5-15 min. of prayer
12:00 Lunch
Chores: Mommy: make lunch, dishes. 3-year old: wash hands & face, help set table, bring dishes to sink
1:00 Stories & Nap
Mommy: prayer/reading
3:30 Snack & Outdoor recess
Mommy: Divine Mercy Chaplet
5:00 Pre-supper chores
Mommy: make dinner, start dishes, set table
3-year old: help with dinner, wash hands & face
5:30 Supper (Daddy reads one chapter from the Bible)
6:00 After-supper chores
Mommy: dishes. Daddy and 3-year old: Put away ALL toys
6:30 Rosary
7:00 Evening Routine
7:30 Story time & Night Prayers
8:00 Bed for 3-year old
Relax time for Mommy and Daddy